It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise. Hello, I'm @bikelady--Arizona writer and author--your word guide to adventures in self-development.
This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find yourBest self, access yourInner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use yourExpressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.
Two years ago during the spring, I took these photos of my neighbor's garden. She plants wildflowers every year, and I love to go see what's growing in her backyard. It's always different; it's always beautiful. So I wanted to capture it on film.
These photos remind me to take time to pause and reflect.
I took time to pause and reflect and enjoy your neighbor's flowers. In fact, I drew a picture of one of the photos -- that was nice break from my work today. Thanks for sharing these pictures, Bonnie
What a great idea! Maybe you'll post your picture and let us know about it so we can see that as well. A bike and nature are not the only places where you can pause and reflect. Drawing, painting and any other form of creative outlet are perfect for giving yourself the gift of this important healing time.
My first book. Just $14 on (click on the cover photo). Also available at a bookstore near you.
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Ph: 602-482-0409 E-mail: jackiedishner [at] msn [dot] com Twitter: @bikelady
The words, photographs and any other material created on this site are copyrighted and belong to Jackie Dishner. No other site or person has the right to reproduce, copy/paste, print, distribute, or use in any other way either the words or the photographs or any other material contained on this site without my permission. Thank you.
I took time to pause and reflect and enjoy your neighbor's flowers. In fact, I drew a picture of one of the photos -- that was nice break from my work today. Thanks for sharing these pictures,
What a great idea! Maybe you'll post your picture and let us know about it so we can see that as well. A bike and nature are not the only places where you can pause and reflect. Drawing, painting and any other form of creative outlet are perfect for giving yourself the gift of this important healing time.
Thanks for your comment.
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