This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Your definition of success

In Monica Bhide's new ebook, In Conversation with Exceptional Women (You can buy it today in PDF format, as I did, or in a format for your ereaders), one of the questions this food writer and best-selling author (Spice of Life) asks her interviewees is: "What is your definition of success?"

My favorite response of all 55+ interviews (many of them food writers or cookbook authors as Bhide is, but also best-selling children's authors, mom writers and more) came from the very first one with Food Network star Aartie Sequeira, who simply responded in this way: Having God say to me at the end of my life on earth: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

To know that you've done well, that you've been a good person and faithful to your God, I agree, would be most satisfying. I aspire to that but have never been able to put it so succinctly. To me, this is Post-it Note-worthy. Such a simple message to be reminded of, don't you think?

"Well done, good and faithful servant."

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