This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cab or pedicab: which would you take?

Did I ever tell you about my dream to become a pedicab driver?

That's right. It's been something I've thought of off and on for the past few years. It's a cycling thing, you know. I'm thoroughly fascinated with bikes of many kinds. Anyway, I took the above photo in New York three years ago, when I was there for a conference to remind me that some day I'm going to be that driver.

In my dream world, here's what it would look like:

First of all, I'll paint my pedicab a shiny blue. It's my favorite color. My handlebars will have a horn and fringe, just because that would be fun. And I'll wear a helmet when I ride -- for safety reasons, and so I don't have to do my hair. Awesome!

And here's how I imagine the getting passengers scene would play out: 

ME: Hey, there! You guys need a ride to your destination?
THEM: Maybe. How much does it cost?
ME: It won't be cheaper than the Yellow Cab, but I'll be your guide, too. I'm pretty knowledgeable about the area. You need to know restaurants? I got you covered? You're looking for a boutique? I'll take you there. Just heading over to the game? I'll get you there on time.
THEM: Cool! How much?
ME: $10 per ride.
THEM: Let's go!

In the real world, however, I posted my information on a pedicab site and never heard back. I did it twice, and no word. Seriously. I was disappointed. In the real world, I probably wouldn't be strong enough to pull another adult sitting in the back seat, anyway. I could carry your kids. But who's going to let a stranger carry her kids without riding along? Yeah, I'd definitely need to train for this job.

Yes, there are a few obstacles getting in my way. Since I haven't decided how much I really want to drive a pedicab, I haven't done much to change this situation, such as picking up the phone and making a call to follow up on my pedicab driver inquiry. No, I haven't done that.

Maybe this is just a silly fantasy to live out on paper and nothing else. I'm not sure. But after I took the Certified Travel Ambassador class last year and became a CTA -- basically, someone trained to answer pertinent travel information about specific areas (in my case, Phoenix) -- I thought I'd have a leg up on the competition. I even had the pin to wear on my lapel! I thought I'd make a great choice for such a job. And then, the city stopped partnering with the CTA program officials and my leg up went down. Perhaps that's a sign -- a sign that I'm not supposed to head in that direction. And you know how I like signs...

Have you ever dreamed of doing something that seemed really outrageous? Did you ever do it? What happened afterward?


Jennifer Fink said...

My favorite line: "I'll wear a helmet when I ride -- for safety reasons, and so I don't have to do my hair."

I've put off buying a helmet for years (I know, bad Mom!), but you, Ms. BIKE Lady, just sold me in the idea!

Unknown said...

Ha! So you don't have to do your hair, either?! Too funny.

Anjuli said...

I think you'd make a great pedicab driving. You'd make a nice guide plus a great cyclist all rolled into one! :)

Sheila Callahan said...

So, yes, I remember contacting the fellow in NYC who started it there. He was a lawyer and we had several backs and forths. I think he told me it was safe to assume I'd earn about $23/hr (this was a good 10 years ago.) My mom, who was in her 80s and who had watched me take on lots of occupations, put her foot down about this one. I suppose in the end I don't blame her. But if you were pedaling, I'd hire you, Jackie.