This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cycling research round-up

I'm in search of research that helps prove the mind-body connection through cycling. If you know of any research or research outlets that might be helpful, I hope you'll post a comment below.

Meanwhile, I've curated a short list of articles related to cycling in some form or another. I hope you'll find them interesting or helpful in some way. I explain how I did:

Yoga for Cyclists: 3 Poses You Should Practice
I took up yoga last year and have found it to be extremely helpful with regards to balance on single track trails. It's also helpful when I need to stand up a bit off the saddle to ride through some of the tougher terrain. I can hold myself up and steady for a longer period of time. The only pose in this article I've ever done, though, is the bridge pose. I'll be sure to try the other two and watch for the benefit.

Cycling in the Zone
While older (1999), this insight paper written by a sports therapist addresses the mental benefits of cycling and how performance can improve if you reach that mental state called flow or arrive "in the zone." Can the cyclist continue, against all odds (specifically pain where elite sports is concerned), and overcome that pain and fatigue to finish the race? Not everyone can overcome such intense pain, which is why I see this as a great analogy for life, in general. Not everyone can overcome life obstacles. Those who do stay focused on the goal, find their zone, and keep going till they reach the space where "self-consciousness, distractions and irrelevant thoughts are absent." Oh, don't we wish we could have that all the time? Something else I got out of reading this paper...It includes a quote from Buddha, which reminds me of a conversation I just had with a friend this week about getting comfortable in your pain:
As long as you are in time, there is suffering.
Exercise Bike Articles/Research offers articles and research for cycling enthusiasts who enjoy a spinning class to get their cycling experience. In some ways, the mind-body connection is more attainable on a stationary bike because you have no traffic to avoid. You can place your full concentration on the experience itself. I found two articles here of interest to me: "Spinning Program Science," and "The Power of Mind/Body Training." Scroll through the index and you may find something of interest to you.


Babette said...

ONe of the things the guy in the bike shop asked me while he was fitting my bike to me (sweet bike, great shop, great owners) was did I do yoga--your article might explain why he asked me that!

Anjuli said...

hmmm...I don't think I'll have any links to offer- thanks for directing us to some good articles.