This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Motivation for Mondays: Try exercise

I'm in need of a quick burst of energy right now, and the only way I know to get it is to wear myself out doing some form of exercise. I prefer biking but also love hiking and walking. Running I'll do, but it's not my favorite. I do that only when I need to be challenged in a physical way.

What's your favorite form of exercise, and does it motivate you to take action?


Anonymous said...

I usually prefer biking too, but lately I have to say I've fallen back in love with a good nighttime jog! I am always in a better place and more focused after I get done - not to mention the mental workout I get during my jogs.

Unknown said...

I have to wonder if exercise works in cycles, as if your body naturally turns to different forms of exercise when it needs a change. I think this must be true and is something I will look into for a future post.

Debbie Petras said...

Jackie, I love to walk fast on the treadmill. However, I need to have a distraction like the TV or music while I'm on it. I love to hike but where we're temporarily living it's far from my favorite hiking trails.

What motivates me is when I look in the mirror and all my clothes are tight! LOL.

Debbie Petras said...

Jackie, I wanted to let you know that I included you in a photo collage I created of all the bloggers I've had the pleasure of meeting so far. I hope you'll stop by and read my Thursday post on Heart Choices. I hope we can get together again.


Lauralee Beth said...

Became new follower. Like your blog. Come check out mine sometime.