This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inspired to improve

No one and nothing remains static. It's time to change things up a bit here.

I've been playing around with the right-hand side gadgets this weekend. I added contact information, moved a few things around, and now I've just posted a poll at the top. I'm inspired to improve.

The poll asks you to tell me how I can improve this blog. If the poll doesn't allow you to give more than one answer, take the poll again with your next choice. I really want to know what I'm doing that works and what changes I might need to make. Would you take a few seconds and answer my question?

Your responses to my poll (over there on the right) will help me make sure I'm providing content that serves you well.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about everyday situations where BIKE worked for you or someone you know. Hearing about others' challenges and successes Aleta inspires me and I love inspiration. Makes me believe in myself. I voted!


Alexandra Grabbe said...

I voted, too. I think the title of your blog sets up the response. I'd also like to hear about interesting people you have met while biking, bikers or not. Sort of like the beginning of that movie about the boy who moved to Alaska, Into the Wild, but first ran into people along the way and interacted with them. Not that I mean for you to move to Alaska by any means!!!

Ed Pilolla said...

i find myself visiting your blog for the peaceful energy and lessons you provide. have fun and do different things to change it up and keep yourself interested, but those lessons seem to be your forte and through them you seem to be, as mark twain encouraged, writing what you know. don't stop.

Unknown said...

Alexandra, that's funny, about moving to Alaska. No worries there. LOL. But that is a great (if sad) story, Into the Wild. One of my favorites.

You offer a great suggestion. I was wondering if I should start taking better note of the people who share their BIKE stories with me when I tell my story in public. Once I figure out this video thing, I'll be able to use your suggestion on the spot.

Barb, everyone deserves to believe in herself--or himself. I'm glad I could help.

Unknown said...

Ed, thank you. I'm so glad you get it. This is my life passion. I truly believe our experiences, especially the most difficult ones, are given to us as gifts. At least we can see them that way. I choose to learn the lessons they provide and then use that knowledge to teach. That's my return gift. I'm glad you're here.