This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

If it's working, keep doing it

I'm in the middle of a crossroad right now with my computer system. I have been a PC girl since I started using computers at home back in the early 90s. This year, I got a Mac for the first time. It's been an awkward switch for me, and I'm wondering if it was even necessary.

For now, I'm switching back and forth. When something goes wrong on one system, I move to the other. That's not the ideal situation, and eventually I know I'll figure out which way I'll go. But for now, it's the way it's going to be. I'm still able to operate my business and move forward.

My point is this: Even though we talk here a lot about forging new paths and being open to different experiences, and such, there's nothing wrong with sticking to a process if it's working for you.

If you're advancing in your life, your business, your relationships just as you are, you probably need to start sharing your tips. It's only when things slow down or come to a complete stop that it's time to assess the situation. If that's the case, you can begin to take charge of your own thoughts, words and deeds by asking yourself a few questions:

_What happened recently to change progress?
_Is there something I've been avoiding?
_What is missing in my life that I can begin to alter today (spiritually, physically, mentally)?

Otherwise, if the steps you're taking are moving you at a pace that you're comfortable with (even if you suspect others may not be), go with that. Pay attention to that comfort level. We don't always have to think outside the box, as they say, to grow. It's not always necessary to push beyond our limits. Trust that you will know when it's time to change things up.

Until then, if what you're doing is working for you, keep doing it.

Can you recall a time when you pushed yourself unnecessarily? What happened as the result of pushing too hard, trying too hard, or doing something because someone else thought it would be a good idea (even though you were fine the way it was)? Post your story here. Maybe we'll learn something from your experience.


Jennifer Fink said...

No story to share here, except to say that your post was exactly what I needed to hear today. I'm dealing with a situation like that right now. *I'm* still making slow, careful progress, but I know that others around me think I'm not moving quickly enough. But this, I think, is one of those situations where I need to give myself permission to follow my instincts.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I could help.

Definitely trust your instincts. I am writing a book that tells the story of how I discovered my BIKE philosophy, and also a second prescriptive book to go with it. I constantly hear from friends and family: Did you write that book yet?

I have to remember that outside influence for what it is: acknowledgment and support. And not for what it isn't (if I don't let it be): pressure.

Always remember to trust in your ability, talent and desire. And pay attention to your instincts about what you need to be doing to move forward. You know. You really do. It's not their schedule, it's yours.

And thank you so much for that photo of your handsome sons! What a great RANDOM BIKE PHOTO! ;-)

All my best,