This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Words to rely on

As I deal with my brother's death, I am thinking about a Bible verse I read this week from Matthew 18:3:

"To get into the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to become like a little child."

That verse is sustaining me as I think about what happened to my brother before he died. He had gone to the hospital in a comatose state. When he'd come out of the coma several days later, I'm told he experienced brain damage to the extent that his mind reverted to that of a 12-year-old.

As his life before the coma was filled with sadness and illness I am comforted in believing that he was transported by his Creator so that he could, at last, find peace. I find comfort in this Bible verse, and I am relying on it, particularly since the passage came to me unexpectedly and not even from the Bible itself, but rather from another book I've been reading to heal myself. These words arrived at the exact moment when I needed them. And I knew instantly what they meant. I immediately shared them with my sister, and she was comforted as well.

When you are hurting, what words comfort you? Have you ever experienced a moment where the words appeared at the exact moment when you needed them? This week, I challenge you to keep your eyes and ears open for that which might comfort you. Whether it be words or people or something you've seen, use your mental BIKE--your spiritual navigation tool--to hone in on what will lift you up. Then come back to BIKE WITH JACKIE and share your story.

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Debbie Petras said...

Jackie, I'm so glad that Scripture ministered to you after your brother's death. He sounds like he was much to young to die but as you wrote that now he is at peace. As a nurse, I can say that hearing is the last thing to go. You don't know what went on in that time interval during his coma. Maybe there was much that went on between him and His Creator which should bring peace.

I've often been reminded of a verse of Scripture out of the blue. One that has helped me lately is Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Bless you Jackie and may God comfort you in your loss.


Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell said...

Jackie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother.
Music comforts me and seems to come to me at the times I need it most. Last winter, it was Sia's "Breathe Me," from the final scene of "Six Feet Under." Right now, it's Nickelback's "If Today was your Last Day."
Since I lost my brother nearly a decade ago, the poem, "He is not Dead" always brings me comfort.

Unknown said...

Debbie, thank you very much for your kind thoughts and another scripture. It's interesting to think about what you say about hearing. I hope he heard comforting messages. I hope he was able to block out what wasn't. I am going to believe that he did. ;-)

Kerri, thank you as well. I read the poem you sent me. I remember after my second husband died in 1989, I went to visit one of his college professors I also knew. He also gave me a poem about letting go. I wasn't ready to do that at the time. It's very interesting, the grief process. It wasn't long after that, when I tried to rush it. And that doesn't work, either. I have learned to let grief be exactly what it is. And wherever one can find comfort--in hugs from a friend, kind words from a stranger, a poem, music--I think it's good to let it in. Ten years may seem like a long time, but it's a long time to be without your loved one. I'm sorry for your loss as well.

Today, there is love.


Anonymous said...

Jackie, this is a lovely way to honor your brother. I'm sorry for your loss. Love - Jen

Sarah E. Ludwig said...

Jackie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother, but glad that you have found peace.

At the worst times of my life, I've turned to the Psalms, which many think are just songs of praise. They're not. Many of them are full of despair and sadness, which I identify with in my trials.

Peace and hugs to you.

Jamison Koehler said...

Hello Jackie! I don't know if you remember me but I am an old friend of yours from your days on the Local Writer's Workshop and the Poet and Writer's Speakeasy. Remember them?

Please accept my condolences on the death of your brother. Also, congratulations on your book. Congratulations on your blog. More importantly, congratulations on your grandchild. I don't have your email address so I am contacting you this way instead. Could you email me at I'd love to hear from you. Bye for now (as you used to say.) Jamie

Meredith Resnick said...

To me that verse suggests being willing to be vulnerable. I agree...that's the only way to move through and eventually move on - yet trust that you are also, always safe.

Babette said...

Kerri, I like the idea of music. When I cannot think of what will comfort me, so often, music does just that.

Kerry Dexter said...

thinking of you as you are grieving for your brother. I've found scripture helpful, and often words from songs appear just when I need them,as well.

May I suggest several songs to you?

Be Like the Sea, from Cathie Ryan
I'll Go Too, from Carrie Newcomer
You Will Never Grow Old, from Tommy Sands

grief is a journey, as I am sure you know. thank you for sharing part of it with us.

Debra Marrs said...

Jackie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Such grace can be found in the smallest synchronicities of life. It's truly amazing what's right before us all along as long as we pay attention and listen.

Those words from the Bible were scribed 1000's of years ago, and you may never have "heard" them as you have now had it not been for your brother's passing.

I appreciate your challenge to all of us to pay attention to these little gift messages we stumble upon too.

I'm listening!

Tiffani Hill-Patterson said...

Jackie, thanks for sharing your healing process.

Proverbs 3:24 is my comfort verse: "When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet."

Continued peace to you and your family.