This blog introduces you to my special brand of BIKE. I show you how to find your Best self, access your Inner strength, tune in to your Killer instincts, and use your Expressive voice. It's inspiring, spiritual, quirky, and it's all in your head. It's about ATTITUDE, not exercise, though that might be a side benefit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No more self-help books...what?!

Yesterday, I asked you what you were reading and made reference to a list of self-help books I've posted here before. Then, I came across this blog post at US News & World Report. I was nearly shattered by the title, "Don't buy another self-help book"?! Why not? I wanted to know. Crazy statement, I thought. What's wrong with them? I asked myself.

Nothing, the post says. But you have to read the ones you have first.


Thank goodness, right? Especially for those of us who are writing or have written and are expecting to sell copies of our own self-help books. It's the same with this author. He was just making the point that you won't get the self-help you're seeking if you're not reading the books. He wants you to read the ones that you already have. He wants you to read his. But he doesn't want you to waste your money. Just having the book on your shelf isn't good enough. But how many of us do just that?

He makes a good point, and it might be worth your while to read what he has to say.

He's got plenty more that's worth reading I discovered. Check out this guy, Curt Rosengren (the "Passion Catalyst") at his blog. He makes a lot of sense.

All my best,


Anonymous said...


You such a good writer. I think much of it can be attributed that you write JUST like you SPEAK. And because you're so REAL and DOWN-TO-EARTH, you charm us with your simplicity and your humor, but do it in such a way that you educate us as we laugh reading your wise words of wisdom.


David Zermeno in Boston

Anonymous said...


You such a good writer. I think much of it can be attributed that you write JUST like you SPEAK. And because you're so REAL and DOWN-TO-EARTH, you charm us with your simplicity and your humor, but do it in such a way that you educate us as we laugh reading your wise words of wisdom.


David Zermeno in Boston

Holly said...

Thanks, Jackie for the note for my daughter's social studies project! It also gave me a chance to look at your great blog!


Unknown said...

Thanks, David and Holly, for your comments.

Wish I had more time this week to add new posts. Deadlines can be killer on the blogging schedule!

All my best,

Kitty said...

Jackie, wow - have you seen my office? Filled with self-help books - as a speaker and author, I am so attracted to any of those wonderful books. Curt has a brilliant idea about reading what you have before going out and seeking more. I'm looking forward to your self-help book - if its anything like you speak, it will be great. My latest is Discovering Your DiViNE DESiGN by Dr. S. Craig Bishop. It is so good, really gives a person insight. I went to Curt's blog - we are soul mates in thought. Thanks

Kitty said...

Jackie - you were so right - Curt was really good - we think so much alike. You must have seen my office - it is covered with self-help books and books of all kinds. Now I'll have to go back and finish all of them. My latest - that I finished - is Discover Your Devine Design by Dr. Craig Bishop - it is excellent. Really good insights. Thanks, My Friend.

Unknown said...

I want to read more of his work, Kitty. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. I'm behind on my posts, so I think I'll go catch up.

All my best,